Southwestern Solutions Southwestern Solutions instructors are both former and current Law Enforcement Tactical Operators with over 50 years of experience. Beginning on January 2022, California Assembly Bill 48 states that any Kinetic energy projectiles and chemical agents shall only be deployed by a peace officer that has received training on their proper use by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training for crowd control. All previous certifications prior to January 2022 have been de-certified. Southwestern Solutions Chemical Agent and Less Lethal Instructor Courses meet AB48 requirements and are POST certified. POST Plan IV Reimbursable

We are constantly evolving based on current events and real world experience.

Chemical Agent Instructor Course

Course description:

This 40-hour POST approved chemical agent instructor course is an extensive dive into the tactical use of chemical agents. During the course, students will be introduced to the following:
1. Major chemical agent’s manufacturer devices
2. Delivery systems & launchers
3. Tactical deployment techniques
4. Mobile field force grenadier considerations
5. Legal and liability aspects
6. Instructing techniques
7. Tactical chemical agent deployments debriefed by SWAT members who participated in the incident
Each student will be exposed to chemical agents throughout the course in a “crawl, walk, run method”. Course attendees will be “hands on” with modern delivery systems and chemical agent devices. The final exam consists of a 5-minute presentation and a pass/fail written exam. See the link below for required equipment and munitions needed for the course.

Less Lethal Instructor Course

Course Description

This 30 hour Less Lethal Instructor Course will provide peace officers who have been assigned to instruct within their organization, the knowledge, legal deployment understanding, and tactical techniques to use Less Lethal (including Chemical Agents) in a Mobile Field Force setting safely and effectively. This course will also cover AB48 requirements and compliance. “THIS COURSE PROVIDES UPDATED LEGISLATIVE CONTENT PER PC 835(a).”
POST Plan IV Reimbursable.

We provide, training, knowledge, experience, and tactics to prepare your organization for crisis resolution.

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Southwestern Solutions
Southwestern Solutions instructors are both former and current Law Enforcement Tactical Operators with over 50 years of experience.

Contact us today if you want to know more

We provide, training, knowledge, experience, and tactics to prepare your organization for crisis resolution.

Contact us